Elon Musk: Eminence and What Is To Come
his birth time is from a biography and has not been confirmed by birth certificate, I do believe the time to be accurate as many of his life events line up but there is certain possibility for error.
2024 solar year
by profection, Jupiter is important in matters of life, rank, eminence, personality, and spirit.
Saturn and mars are important in matters of fortune, health, and body.
Jupiter is currently transiting his 12th house and will be conjoining his natal Venus April 3rd - 21st. Although Venus is not as important for him this year, this is a generally fortunate transit and it is further energized by a trine to his natal mars. We may expect this to be a fortuitous time where he has the opportunity for advancement in regards to his community and foundations. Jupiter will be moving into cancer june 10th. This is musks first house. With his natal sun at 5 degrees of cancer jupiter will be coming into a conjunction. This is a huge signification for a rise in societal rank on its own, and its made more important by profection. With the sun ruling his 2nd house we could expect a large cashflow too.
Saturn is in his 9th house and will be making a trine with his natal Jupiter. march 28th - April 29th discipline in his expansion of philosophy. This transit shows an easy flowing of musks dreams to his ethical and spiritual underlining. We could expect this to be people happy with what he is doing and gaining support for it. on may 29th Saturn will be moving into his 10th house of Aries, and will be making a sextile to his natal saturn. This shows a time of getting serious with career and his public reputation, so long as he can balance the opposing nature of Aries onrush of force with saturns discipline. Because he has a day chart and a strong saturn natally we can expect this to be difficult but able to be overcome.
Mars is currently in cancer - this is certain danger but mars will not be retrograding into any conjunction with his natal planets or ascendant - so while the danger is real I dont believe it to be mortal nor terribly potent. on may 24th - 31st transiting mars will be making a direct opposition to his natal mars. This is much more perilous, mars represents his health and there is reckless tension. There may be mistakes made here - and mars comes into a square to his natal Jupiter jun 7th-13th. We may see consequences here for his prior recklessness.
2025 solar year
On June 27th, 2025 Elon musk enters a new solar year. Saturn becomes important for life, rank, eminence, personality and spirit. Jupiter for body, health, and fortune.
Jupiter makes a conjunction to his sun on july 4th This can be interpreted as, again, expansion in rank and fortune. Jupiter will be in cancer for the entirety of his 2025 solar year. We can expect it to be a fortunate year in regards to his body and self.
Saturn makes one more dip into Pisces in early September 2025, perhaps elon will have to reconsider his advancements and career actions he took, while reexamining his personal philosophy and ethics. Saturn returns to the 10th house feb 14 2026 where it will stay. In his natal chart we find saturn to be strong, and signifies his ability to gain a following. So it would not be suprising to see him gain support with saturn in his natal 10th.
Ultimately, this next year and a half seem positive for musk with likely a strong increase in his social standing, rank, and fortune. Although he has moments of certain danger they appear to be able to be overcome. 2026 may bring more turbulence but that writing will be for another day.
A note on his secondary progressions
Musk’s progressed moon has entered the sign of Virgo and is starting to wax from a recent new moon. This signifies a new phase of his life is starting to take root. This combined with the many signifiers of increase is rank leads to many questions - especially with his already incredibly powerful position in life. Essentially second in command to trump and taking much of the spotlight.
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