Ross Ulbricht pardoned: transits
1st: day of arrest
2nd: profection years
On oct. 1 2013, Ross Ulbricht was arrested at 29 years old. 29 is in a 6th house profection year meaning that transits through his 6th house of Leo are more important during this time. We see mars conjoined with the moon in Leo - and this is making a square to his natal mars in scorpio. This is a major transit for him that only happened once during this year. Mars cut him away from his work(6th house) and led to his imprisonment
Ross' natal chart
Looking at his natal chart we see the ruler of his 5th house, the moon, in the 12th of isolation. his creative drive flows towards isolation - he was imprisoned for the website he created, literally isolated. Ross Ulbricht at the time of his release was 40 years old. this is a 5th house profection year, the sign of cancer ruled by the moon. This makes the moon and her transits more important as well as transits through the sign of cancer. As you can see in the pardoned chart, mars was retrograde in cancer and the moon was in a sign based applying trine to mars from scorpio. further strengthening mars - the moon is often seen as a trigger for events, she represents the body and things that happen to the body. It is also of note that mars in cancer is making a close trine to his natal mars in scorpio.
1st: time of pardon
2nd: 2024 solar return
When looking at someones solar return for the year there are many important points such as the natal ascendent and lord, the SR ascendent and lord, the moon and her aspects, the profection year lord (and much more.) I am going to focus on a few interesting points. In his 2024 solar return, which he is still within, we find the SR ascendent to be scorpio, indicating the importance of mars and his transits. This is fascinating because mars is in the SR 5th house closely conjunct his natal ascendant. Because he has a night sect natal chart with mars in their own domicle they are not as malefic and in this case has clearly indicated good fortune in matters of the self. Don't forget he is in a 5th house profection year and it was when mars was in his natal 5th house of cancer that he was released.
I find the venus saturn conjunction in the SR 5th fascinating as he was pardoned during the next venus saturn conjunction in the same sign. This is also something to look for in solar returns, any aspects that will happen again during the course of the year - especially if they are angular.