sweetpotato.press birth chart analysis

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decided to look at the chart for the time I purchased the domain name and was surprised to see its relevance. lets talk about it.

this is a day time chart, with cancer rising and the ruler of the 1st in the 3rd. communications is integral to the health and well being of the body of sweetpotato.press(spp). the moon here is in her joy, the 3rd house is also called the house of the goddess. it is the place of ritual, daily observances, and divination. its the house that describes how the native talks and by what methods.

the moon is in generally good condition making a close but separating trine to her ruler mercury in the 7th house, she is happily placed in the night sector of the chart, she is receiving a superior square from jupiter and an opposition from venus. although we also see mars making a superior sextile, an opposition from saturn, she is in a cadent house, and she is waning.

the moon is coprescent with both the IC point and the south node. communications are not only important to the body but they also form the foundational point. the ground from which spp walks. the voice in all forms is extremely important! the south node brings mystery, a hidden place that the moon must soon cross- the den of the dragon - we can presume spp will be communicating difficult or shaded topics.

overall the 3rd house is in moderately good condition and the moon is able to fulfill her signification as goddess with strong support from her ruler mercury. she can dive into the small details bringing to body the occult, religious rites, divination and dreams. all very important topics to spp! within which we wish to bring to earth the words that whirl inside.

the second house of finances is leo ruled by the sun in the 7th. we see that spp makes money from one on one interaction with others. appropriate for a site that offers birth chart readings.

the fourth house of home and foundations, secret things, ancestors and endings is ruled by venus in the 9th of spirituality. i think its fair to say that spp is building itself on a foundation of spirituality, philosophy, astrology and the occult.

the 5th house of good fortune and creativity is mars in the 1st - having fun and being creative is greatly important to spp but may also bring difficulties being ruled by mars in their fall in a day chart. we could say creativity is extremely important but spp may take creative liberties that are at odds with reality in a quest towards a dream.

the 6th house of hard work and illness is ruled by jupiter in the 12th - hard work flows towards isolation.

the 7th house of other people, relationships is ruled by the 9th of spirituality - apt for a site wanting to bring the beauty of Hellenistic astrology to others and opening up their services to provide readings.

the 8th house of shared finances and death is ruled by saturn in the 9th. there is a point of tension here! this house goes unseen and unmanaged

in the 9th house we have a smorgasbord. some may even call it a stelium but im less inclined. the 9th house is ruled by jupiter in the 12th. that's right, we are diving into our sorrows using philosophy, astrology, and spiritualism. we pull from the very depths of the hidden psyche, the abyss, our capability for spiritual knowledge and structure. it is the highest ambition to explore these hidden realms and bring them forward to the most visible point - the MC. the career and public presence of spp. it is within this house we have the part of fortune, venus, saturn, the MC, neptune and the north node. its a heavy hitting house and one that looks broadly, deeply, and internally being in the ocean like sign of pisces. it is the desire, the boundary, and the dissolving force tinged by the dragons head who is always looking for more. a lucky place that steers spp in their proper direction. with the close connection between an exalted venus and saturn we can only hope and expect a kinky flair that isnt afraid to touch on the underworld of sexual taboo -indeed venus here is out of bounds with a declination of -23, 41' greatly indicating a venus that pushes beyond her usual. a young exuberant and extravagant evening star venus just barely passed her greatest elongation. this is pure luxury. this is the goddess Inanna decked out in all 7 parts of her dress fully decedent yet she is feeling the urge to go deep, the underworld calls and she will soon answer. and here she is with an old man, closely connected and in love saturn heightens her sexual prowess. there are no stops to the exhilaration between such morbid marriage - an indescribable age gap and they reveal in their savant dereliction.

we see venus here exalted and in her own triplicity. it is this area of life that spp gains honor, recognition, and a following and its through venus' extravagance that spp shines.

the 10th house is the independent sign of aries, ruled by mars in the 1st house. the career of spp is to be themselves. lol. of course we too find difficulties here - an overreactive yet inward mars given full reign of the all powerful 10th house angle.

the 11th house of community, friends, and good spirit is taurus, ruled by venus in the 9th house. further asserting the importance of spiritual topics - we also see uranus here giving a revelatory and unique flair- much like the out of bounds venus. spp can expect sudden changes and eccentric character from their community and shared dreams.

the 12th house is gemini, ruled by mercury in the 7th. for better or worse our sorrows, isolation, questionable mental state and dark unseen abyss will be spread to those most closely in contact with spp. beware? or enjoy the hidden as it comes to light in a sporadic, sociable way. there is certainly tension here as mercury is unable to aspect the 12th house - the weight of the terrible and unending depth of the psyche may cause overwhelm for those within her bowels. jupiter here serves to increase this expansionary weight into the infinite (bounds) of reality.

the part of fortune

lets go a step further and see what other reoccurring significations we may find. the lot of fortune, not only is it generally demarcating a lucky area of the natives life it reaffirms the body. if the birth chart is the cosmos the part of fortune is its influence on the actual body - it is herein we can revolve our chart- setting the part of fortune as the ascendant and marking its house as the first what do we find?

pisces is now the first house, they are ruled by jupiter in gemini. the fourth from fortune. here we see that the body of spp is their foundation. the website reaffirms itself. there is an importance of private matters, secret things, and foundations to the body of spp. which indeed, one of the goals of spp is to reaffirm the importance of foundations in practice. the missing culture in the west and one way to build that while freeing oneself from the dogma of old - yet still relying on its myth and grandeur to reach to new heights.

the 2nd house, aires, is ruled by mars in the 5th. fun and creativity is important to monetary matters. money and finances flow towards creation.

the 3rd house, taurus. is ruled by the 1st house pisces. and what fun, we see again a strong link between the 1st and 3rd just as we did in the natal chart but here its reversed. not only is spp conversing they are being conversed with.

the 4th house, gemini, is ruled by mercury in the 11th. there is a disconnect here between the foundation and community - it very well could be a place of tension but lets be real, when has anyone's personal foundation worked for another? while it is good to have a place to jump eventually one must build their own walls from their personal inspiration. jupiter here in their own bounds shows that despite being cut off from their ruler they are still able to set their own terms. so while spp may love their community they said to get bent!!! we doing our own shit.

the 5th house is cancer ruled by the moon in the 7th of virgo. spp brings fun and creativity to those in close connection to them. but again we see struggle with mars in their fall flavoring this house. perhaps spp is having a little bit TOO much fun without regard for others. woops. :3

the 6th is leo, ruled by the sun in the 11th. we do again see a point of tension here. the sun is unable to see their own house of leo. perhaps herein lies the cry of an artist and their work unshown. the difficulty of a community only seeing whats visible. or maybe im yanking my own chain. ;3 but none the less the hard work flows towards community so you best believe its all love (and a desire to be paid... buy a birth chart reading!)

the 7th is virgo, ruled by mercury in the 11th. the relationships of spp flow towards its community.

vettius valens says one can look to the 8th from fortune to understand the nature of ones death and that is just what we are going to do. the 8th house is libra ruled by venus in the 1st. perhaps the infinite weight of the abyss will become unbearable and the plug will have to be pulled by me, the writer. or perhaps the own weight of its unbridled sexuality will be scorned by the general populace into a forced close. we can only here laugh at the possibilities. everything is temporary and this knowledge may be too. :p

the 9th house is scorpio ruled by mars in the 5th. again highlighting the trouble we might be in from having too much fun with the serious topic of spirituality and philosophy. hehe

the 10th house sagittarius is ruled by jupiter in the 4th. we bring the foundation forward as a piece not just for me but for yall too. the secrets and floor rise to the ceiling. don't get crushed!

the 11th house is capricorn ruled by saturn in the 1st. the community flows towards spp- of course. as im the one writing the articles here! id hope as much!

and finally the 12th house. aquarius, ruled by the 1st. again we see the topics of sorrows, isolation, and the dark deep that exists beyond the surface being shewn by spp themselves.

other fun points of note. the prenatal syzygy is a new moon in the angular 1st house. the triplicity lords of the sun are venus in the 9th and the moon in the 3rd with a moderating by mars in the 1st. seems spp is drowning in their own sorrows too.