missing culture: the search for god

Both vedic and chinese astrology have close cultural ties treated with respect by its practitioners, a point that is lacking in modern western astrology. The recent renaissance of translated texts of hellenistic astrology changes this. bringing in a wealth of cultural influence and history that the christian church tried to wash away (despite themselves being heavily inspired) we are then incredibly lucky to live in a time where these ancient texts have managed to come down to us. it is from these ancients of western society that enables the building of a foundation and ethic from which to reach, a point within that one can take pride in. it is possible to live, thrive, and have spiritual connection free of worship and the guilt of modern religions with their fear of hell, karma and moralist interpretations of evil. an awareness of who influenced our thought patterns to this day and why western society thinks and reasons the way they do.

Plato, in his timaeus states " ... The visibility of day and night, of months and the circling years, of equinoxes and solstice, resulted in the invention of number, gave us the concept of time, and made it possible for us to enquire into the nature of the universe."

There is a consistent whirling in all things but the bodies in the stars give consistency unlike any other - its limited scope giving the ability for lush interpretation free from uneeded noise. one could read the blades of grass but with millions flowing the words are not easily reducable to a consistent movement shown in a chart willed by the stories and archteypes that subsist through our culture and consciousness. a mercurial slice of time laid flat to celebrate the great moment of birth - an ancient photograph of the forces that move humanity through the cosmos just for you, a living breathing star on earth